In March 2017 researchers from Germany and Denmark published the results of their study to assess the effect of a vitamin B12-fortified toothpaste on B12 vitamin levels in vegans. A total of 66 vegans completed the study, with 36 individuals using a vitamin B12 toothpaste and 30 a control toothpaste. Blood levels of vitamin B12 and various vitamin B12 status markers, were assessed at the start and end of a 12-week period. Results showed that not only were the levels of vitamin B12 higher in those using the vitamin B12 toothpaste, but the changes that had occurred over the 12-week period were also greater than those seen in the control group. In addition, the vitamin B12 markers significantly improved over the 12-week period, with the changes being greater in the vitamin B12 toothpaste group than the control group. A further analysis revealed that the changes in vitamin B12 markers were more prominent in vegans who reported that they had not taken vitamin B12 supplements.
Siebert AK et al. Vitamin B-12-fortified toothpaste improves vitamin status in vegans: a 12-wk randomized placebo-controlled study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Mar;105(3):618-625