In March 2019 researchers from the USA published their review on the use plant-based diets for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, specifically distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy plant-based diets. … Read more
Restricting animal products while increasing healthy plant-based foods reduces the risk of diabetes type 2
In December 2019 researchers from Spain published their review on the association between dietary habits and the risk of developing diabetes type 2. Results showed that animal protein intake increases … Read more
Specific dietary factors and dietary patterns alter the gut microbiota profile, which is an essential factor in the development and progression of obesity
In December 2019 researchers from South Korea published their review on the effect of diet on the gut microbiota and how it is associated with obesity. Obesity is described as … Read more
A diet high in carbohydrates increases the risk of diabetes type 2, the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease
In November 2018 researchers from India published their review of the evidence that links dietary carbohydrates to the incidence of diabetes type 2 and the metabolic syndrome together with their … Read more
Substituting red meat with high-quality plant protein sources, but not fish or low-quality carbohydrates, leads to improved lipid levels
In April 2019 researchers from the USA published their review of the medical scientific literature to assess the effect of red meat consumption on cardiovascular risk factors. A total of … Read more
Whole-food plant-based and vegan meals fail to meet the Recommended Dietary Allowances for vitamin B12 and D without supplementation, and for women aged 51-70 also for calcium
In March 2019 researchers from the USA published the results of their study to assess whether whole-food plant-based and vegan diets meet current food-based and nutrient-based recommendations. Followers of whole-food … Read more
A high intake of whole grains, vegetables, fruit and dairy products reduces the risk of colorectal cancer, whilst red meat and processed meat increase the risk
In May 2017 researchers from Germany, Austria and Belgium published their review of the medical scientific literature to assess the relationship between the consumption of 12 major food groups and … Read more
A ‘heart’ healthy diet should include more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and fish and less red meat, processed meat and sugar-sweetened beverages
In October 2017 researchers from Germany, Austria and Belgium published their review of the medical scientific literature to assess the relationship between the consumption of 12 major food groups and … Read more
Red meat, processed meat, fish and sugar-sweetened beverages increase the risk of hypertension whilst whole grains, fruits, nuts, legumes and dairy reduce the risk
In May 2017 researchers from Germany and Austria published their review of the medical scientific literature to assess the relationship between the consumption of 12 major food groups and risk … Read more